
– New research shows UK employees feel unmotivated as a result of

working from home  –


49% of UK office workers have cited a lack of personal motivation as a direct result of working remotely, a new report has found.

One in four people in the UK (24%) say they have been less productive working from home since the outbreak of Covid-19.

The ‘Supporting Your Remote Workforce in 2021 and Beyond’ report, commissioned by Smart Locker Provider Velocity Smart Technology, showed employee motivation and the long term impact on mental health should be a big concern for business leaders, with 83% of UK office workers agreeing that remote working is here to stay.

One in four office workers (25%) have said that poor performing IT equipment has made it hard to remain productive at home.

With 31% of workers saying they are suffering from an inability to effectively communicate and collaborate with colleagues.

Anthony Lamoureux, CEO of Velocity Smart Technology, said, “There’s been no guide for business leaders on how to deal with the challenges that Covid-19 has handed, and there’s been a few! Whilst the focus firstly, and understandably, went towards keeping the ‘lights on’, it is now time for the attention to be turned towards supporting teams, enabling them to perform at their best in the new world of work.”

Business leaders and IT directors now need to understand exactly what the pandemic has taught us about remote working and how to introduce new working practices to make employees feel more engaged”

We’ve all seen Professor Kelly be interrupted by his kids whilst working from home, now many (41%) office workers can sympathise with too many distractions at home impacting productivity.

Whilst working from home might sound great – less than a third of UK office workers (29%) said that productivity has improved since the outbreak of Covid-19.

Despite this, 83% of UK workers agree that flexible working is here to stay, suggesting there really is little doubt that the office has changed forever.

Lamoureux continues, “In a nutshell, hybrid working is here to stay and for a company to thrive in this new paradigm it needs to evolve the support provided to remote employees and ensure they’re equipped to give their all.”

Conducted in December 2020 Velocity Smart Technology commissioned the research to understand how businesses can make their workplace safer in the era of Covid-19, how performance and productivity can be improved, and what technology solutions can be put in place to improve IT Support efficiencies and business value.