

A leading CRM platform has launched a new initiative to help British businesses drive new sales during the coronavirus pandemic.

BuddyCRM, a cloud-based CRM system designed by sales professionals for sales professionals, has launched a dedicated Sales Clinic to help SMEs drive new revenue as the UK economy battles against the impact of COVID-19.

Available via an online platform, the Sales Clinic provides the opportunity for business owners to discuss current challenges with the BuddyCRM team, who will offer free advice and support, extending to the development of a new sales strategy where required.

Launched in 2016, BuddyCRM was founded by Managing Director, Philip Mayling, who required an easy-to-use but sophisticated CRM tool for his foodservice distribution firm, MKG Foods, after struggling with now competing products.

Fast forward 5-years and BuddyCRM is now has thousands of users working for SMEs UK wide, who benefit from the platform’s host of sophisticated features, tailored to individual use, including a sales dashboard and pipeline, quotation tool and integration with wider digital marketing products.

Philip explained: “I founded BuddyCRM just over 5 years ago to solve a problem in my own business whereby our sales team just couldn’t get to grips with existing CRM systems on the market. They found they wasted a lot of time on admin and although existing products were good for documenting things like contact information, they didn’t help to proactively drive new sales.

“So many businesses have been significantly impacted by the current pandemic and will now be looking at new ways to rebuild and drive revenue. As the BuddyCRM team is vastly made up of sales professionals who are experienced in helping businesses create a focused sales strategy, we felt we could easily give back to the business community by offering free guidance and advice via our new Sales Clinic initiative.”

Headquartered in the Midlands, BuddyCRM works closely with businesses large and small, including renowned organisations including the Institute of Directors [IOD] and pharmaceutical giant, Sigma.

With a client retention rate of 99%, the platform is renowned for its unique ’3-click’ functionality, enabling users to complete all actions with just 3 touchpoints.

Launched via the BuddyCRM website, the online Sales Clinic is free and accessible to all SMEs across the UK with unlimited use.