
The ongoing implications of COVID-19 has created increased awareness among employers of their responsibility to support employees’ health and wellbeing, including cancer related challenges. As leading providers of practical and emotional support for people living with cancer, Cancer Support UK has developed a series of workshops to help employers communicate about cancer in the workplace.

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As experts in communicating about cancer to a wide range of audiences, Cancer Support UK has developed a series of workshops to help employers communicate effectively about cancer in the workplace. 

With one in two people in the UK diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, it is vital that businesses are able to support people who are facing cancer. The effects of this life changing disease can apply equally to:

  • Staff living with cancer themselves
  • Staff caring for someone with cancer
  • Staff dealing with customers affected by cancer
  • Managers with team members affected by cancer
  • People with team members affected by cancer

As a charity that provides practical and emotional support to people with all types of cancer, Cancer Support UK is well placed to help organisations of all sizes to become more cancer aware and meet the needs of people in the workplace.

The services provided by Cancer Support UK are designed and delivered by people who have experienced cancer themselves to improve the experience of others.

  • “Communicating about Cancer” workshop

Suitable for all levels, this three-hour workshop, covers topics including

  • Basic cancer awareness
  • Side effects of cancer and cancer treatments
  • Physical and emotional side effects of cancer
  • Confidence in talking to people living with cancer
  • What’s helpful to say and what’s not so helpful
  • Looking after your own emotional wellbeing
  • Attendee capacity: Up to 12 delegates
  • Cost of course: £975


  • ELearning courses

A range of short, flexible online learning resources – both for the workplace in general and for customer-facing roles:

  • E-learning courses lasting 35-45 minutes
  • Courses can be completed in an employee’s own time
  • Courses designed for customer-facing roles
  • Courses designed for internal awareness training
  • Industry-specific, scenario-based tailored learning
  • Cancer Support UK is offering a trial E-learning place to one manager within your organisation
  • Costs depend on number of users/size of organisation
  • “Lunch ‘n’ learn” workshop

A one-hour session to raise cancer awareness. Covering physical/emotional side effects and confidence in talking to people living with cancer.

  • 25-50 delegates
  • Cost of course: £500

Customer testimonial

Stobart Energy found Cancer Support UK’s training invaluable to their work:

  • “The techniques discussed can be used in a whole range of issues/situations.”
  • “It was really helpful to understand not to fall into the trap of relating things to your own experience. I just hadn’t considered that before, to just listen.”
  • “When I completed it I found it very helpful. If I’m honest, I also found it reassuring that I’ve been handling things correctly with the three drivers currently affected by cancer.”

Cancer Support UK Chairman, Matthew Doyle, said:

“Companies large and small across different sectors are starting to realise that workplace wellness needs to go further and be more inclusive. Our “Communicating about cancer” workshops are an important step towards helping staff cope with colleagues living with cancer. They will equip managers and HR professionals with the confidence and knowledge to talk to their colleagues and understand their feelings and needs. The workshops are also a great way of raising awareness in an organisation and educating colleagues. People have commented that the techniques and methodologies discussed in the training can be used to support colleagues and friends dealing with a wide range of personal situations.”

Organisations interested in finding out more information about Cancer Support UK’s Cancer awareness workshops, can visit: www.cancersupportuk.org/training or contact Olivia Gray [email protected]   Tel: 07763630954.