Unfinished business is often a leftover from difficult childhood experiences. An abused six-year old girl is sexually abused by her stepfather, who enters her room at nighttime, repeatedly abuses her trust, frightens her into silence, and physically abuses her. She experiences an immediate loss of emotional power, but over time grows back to the same level of emotional power she had before the abuse. This is a cycle that is repeated, and in the end, the victim is abused by someone close to her that is willing to do what it takes to get what they want out of her.
In most cases, the victim knows nothing about these situations until it escalates, and she begins to question why her parents allowed it to happen. At this point, her story is incomplete, but not because it’s been completed. She has been damaged in ways that are unknown to her, and she’s never even met her attacker. In these types of situations, unfinished business is not the problem. It is the pattern and the results of the behavior.
When the victim begins to move through the final stages of recovery, the unfinished business is still there. The victim has been hurt and violated. She continues to lose hope, even after she has received the help that she needed and is on the road to recovery. Even though the victim is ready for a new beginning, she continues to fear the consequences of her past. Unfinished business keeps her from moving on, and she begins to believe that this is the only way out.
When unresolved emotional baggage is left behind, it can become the source of many of our problems. A depressed person, for example, may have unresolved issues that were in the past and may have developed new, negative behaviors and feelings in response. Sometimes we just have to get out of our way and let these things go.
The good news is that there are a variety of resources available to help you get past this unfinished business. You needn’t put it off because it’s impossible to do so. Once you have gotten your life back on track, your journey to healing will be much easier and smoother.
A good relationship with your ex-spouse or children is a great place to start. It’s crucial that you make sure to communicate openly with them about how you’re feeling and to make sure that you’re not trying to manipulate them into doing anything that you don’t want them to do. This could set you up for more problems down the road. Don’t take them for granted. Remember, your goal here is to create a strong and loving relationship and trust.
The biggest mistake that people make when it comes to unfinished business is that they try to fix it themselves, which is usually not an effective route. If you have a strong relationship with your ex-spouse, they’ll be more than happy to help you put it all together. They can also guide you as you move through the recovery process. It’s important that they be supportive.
A good therapist or counselor is a key element in your recovery. They can help you understand why your behavior developed in the first place, what you can do to change it, and how to get your life back on track. Many people begin the healing process by talking with their ex-spouse and children about what happened, and what they can learn from this story and how to avoid similar issues in the future. They can also help you work out your personal issues in your subconscious mind. so that when you get back into your relationship with your ex-spouse, you’ll know what they’re thinking and feeling, and you’ll have a better understanding of why your behavior developed in the first place.