Mainstream healthcare providers and organizations treat patients based on conventional methods, mainly medicine and/or surgery prescribed based on longstanding scientific evaluation and evidence. But, more and more, healthcare professionals are looking to treat the whole person with integrative health solutions that combine conventional therapies with complementary health services aimed at addressing not only the physical ailment but also the mental and emotional wellness of patients.
As CEO of EVEXIAS Health Solutions, an industry leader in medical wellness training for practitioners, Daniel DeNeui has spent decades defining and refining an integrative approach to patient care that is transformative. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, DeNeui approaches health therapies as an individualized process.
Addressing the Root Causes of Chronic Illness
EVEXIAS health solutions address hormonal imbalances, which have proven to be the root cause of chronic illness. An imbalance in hormone levels can be an underlying factor in not only chronic disease development and progression but it can also lead to quality of life issues such as sleep disturbances, fertility problems, weight fluctuations, mood swings, and much more.
Health and wellness can be optimized when a personalized plan for long-term health is designed and implemented. Daniel DeNeui has enlisted a group of elite medical practitioners dedicated to providing transformative patient care. The result is the identification and prescription of bioidentical hormone therapies, a personalized nutritional profile, and a nutraceutical plan to achieve the greatest outcome in long-term wellness.
Why Consider a Holistic Care Model?
A holistic care model can be designed to address the emotional, hormonal, and lifestyle factors that are the precursor to disease. When you consider a holistic approach to wellness, the focus goes beyond treating diseases. A holistic care model is patient-centered, complementary, and seeks to prevent disease or injury.
Many people are looking to a more natural-based model of health care instead of the chemical-based or medicine model that presently dominates healthcare. The four pillars of a healthy lifestyle include nutrition, stress management, exercise, and sleep. A holistic are model supports each of these with a personalized program that promotes knowledge-based nutraceutical and hormonal therapies in one easy-to-follow program.
Benefits of Reduced Reliance on Medication
Daniel DeNeui stresses the complementary nature of EVEXIAS. The program of holistic therapies is not meant to be a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment. Yet, it has been scientifically proven that there is a wealth of nutritional foods, supplements, and lifestyle changes that can improve or prevent some of our nation’s most pressing health problems. These include high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, osteoporosis, and Type 2 diabetes.
The nutraceutical supplements that are a part of the EVEXIAS therapy program are formulated to revitalize the patient’s hormone balance. The finest ingredients, the right combination of nutrients with the highest bioavailability and absorption rates, are formulated to achieve the greatest outcomes in patient wellness.
Lowering a patient’s reliance on unnecessary medications has many benefits, resulting in measurable results. The use of weight loss, exercise, and diet have a better overall positive effect on the human body when compared to chemical medications. Also, the goal of most medicines is often to treat symptoms and not the primary disease. So, at the very least, a reduced reliance on medication can be found when a holistic approach to symptoms is considered.
An integrative approach to health care can educate and empower patients to actively participate in their wellness journey. EVEXIAS has transformed patient care by first discovering the exact hormonal imbalance within the patient’s system and treating that issue.
Next, health and wellness are further improved through nutrition, exercise, proper rest, and other therapies like meditation and yoga, are the basis of a complementary therapy program. In addition to the physical therapies, patients become educated about a lifestyle centered on healthiness. This empowers them to actively participate in their wellness journey and better advocate for themselves when in the doctor’s office.