
What problems does Autonomous solve?

Growing businesses must ensure their websites have enough bandwidth to deal with spikes in traffic. However, traditionally bandwidth had to be purchased at a specific rate on a specific tariff. We all know website traffic can fluctuate, meaning cautious business owners may have over invested money they don’t need to. Added to this, non-technical or cost-conscious businesses may under-invest, meaning their sites go down when traffic spikes. Scaling up businesses also have a tough path to navigate, as their hosting plans may not keep pace with their bandwidth needs.

Cloudways’ Autonomous offers automated, dynamic resource scaling to maintain consistent website performance during traffic spikes so businesses only pay for when they need. In turn, Autonomous removes the need for a bespoke dedicated website solution, eliminating server management, IT expertise requirements, or the risk of significant expenditure.

Why does the market need it? 

Resource planning is a consistent pain point for many businesses. Traditional methods involve predicting traffic and purchasing hosting accordingly. This frequently causes businesses to experience downtime or face unnecessary spending on excess hosting. In the long term, website failures during peak times can result in customer dissatisfaction, eroded trust, and a tarnished brand.

Autonomous enables customers to focus resources on development rather than infrastructure, suiting growing businesses that don’t necessarily have means to deploy the latest technology.

How does Autonomous differ from other solutions in the market? 

Unlike many other solutions on the market, Autonomous provides autoscaling out of the box, and does not come at an additional cost. For growing businesses, this can help to keep operational costs down and reduce stress.

What sectors do you think would benefit from having Autonomous implemented into their business?

Autonomous suits any sector with uncertain traffic, which need scalable, resilient hosting without wasted overspend during lulls. Our current customers span eCommerce, travel and ticketing sites, all of which are subject to traffic surges such as holiday sales and gifting seasons.

What is the future vision?

Our goal is to offer leading hosting solutions which in turn build peace of mind and improved productivity. Autonomous is another step towards realising that vision, helping customers save time and money so that they can focus on growing their business.

Cloudways’ existing Managed Cloud Hosting will continue to delight our core customers, developers, IT professionals, and early adopters who require the flexibility of our multi-cloud and multi-application solution offers. We will keep investing in simplifying cloud server management and continue offering managed cloud hosting at the most competitive prices in the market.