LONDON, 3rd August 2021 – Nebuli, the leading augmented intelligence studio, has launched a free-to-use behavioural diagnostics tool to help businesses overcome the challenges that can arise when introducing a new product or idea to customers. The tool will also help businesses understand the reasons behind their customers’ reactions to these changes.
Built on the methodology behind the Creatures of Habit, the behaviour diagnostics tool is based on the seven core mindsets that affect people’s decision-making process. Created by Nebuli’s Chief Design Officer Simon Jack, it uses 28 identified barriers to change and 56 strategies to influence behaviour change.
With this free tool, Nebuli allows organisations to take a people-centred approach to their creative and development processes. Businesses simply need to fill out a questionnaire to gain key insights that explain why their target audience behaves in the way it does.
Once completed, the organisation is presented with a prioritised plan that outlines the most efficient strategy for addressing any barriers to change. With this approach, businesses can develop a better understanding of the underlying issues that influence their customers’ behaviour and therefore take steps to address it.
Simon Jack, Co-founder and Chief Design Officer at Nebuli, comments:
“Changing and influencing behaviour is notoriously difficult. Humans are set in their ways for a reason: patterns and routines make life more efficient and prevent mental energy from being wasted. As a result, new ideas and ventures can often be met with resistance, as they require people to move away from the familiar and to embrace the unknown instead.”
“With our new free-to-use tool, we hope to offer a simple and accessible solution for companies who want to introduce more innovation into their business, but who are worried about their customers’ reaction to change. Our tool addresses this issue head-on by using key insights into human behaviour to deliver lasting and meaningful benefits for both the business and customers alike.”