  • With 850 million downloads last year, TikTok is the world’s most popular app
  • However, four Facebook-owned social platforms appear among the top six, with a combined figure of more than two billion downloads
  • This accounts for almost half of the Top 10’s global download figures

A new study shows that while TikTok has been revealed as the world’s most popular and downloaded mobile app, social media giant Facebook dominates the market with four of its platforms.

Research conducted by app development company Bacancy Technology outlines that social video-sharing platform TikTok was downloaded a total of 850 million times last year, receiving 250 million more downloads than the second most popular app on the list, WhatsApp.

However, having acquired Instagram in 2012 and WhatsApp in 2014, Facebook takes up four spots in the Top 10 most popular apps of 2020, with a combined total of more than two billion downloads. This figure accounts for 46% of the total download figures within the top 10 list.

Following last year’s increase in remote working, conference call platform Zoom – which ranks fifth on the global list – received 477 million downloads last year, coupled with an increase in revenue of 317% over figures from 2019.


Top 10 Global Apps of 2020

App Downloads 2020
TikTok 850 million
WhatsApp 600 million
Facebook 540 million
Instagram 503 million
Zoom 477 million
Messenger 404 million
Snapchat 281 million
Telegram 256 million
Google Meet 254 million
Netflix 223 million


Assessing a number of the most popular social platforms, the United States – which has the third largest population count in the world – ranks as the country with the highest active user counts for Tiktok, Instagram and Snapchat. India, with the second highest population in the world, has the largest amount of users of both WhatsApp and Facebook.

Country with highest users counts for Apps (raw user figures)

App Country with highest user count # of users, in millions % of population
TikTok United States 65.9 19%
Whatsapp India 390 27%
Facebook India 320 22%
Instagram United States 140 42%
Snapchat United States 108 32%


However, analysing an app’s number of users as a percentage of each country’s population reveals that TikTok has the highest penetration in the Netherlands with 22% of its population using TikTok. This is followed by the US (19%) and Norway (18%).

Seven in 10 Spanish citizens are actively using Whatsapp, while three quarters of the population of the Philippines have active profiles on Facebook – a figure that trumps both America (57%) and the UK (55%).

Half of the Turkish population are active on their Instagram accounts – representing the country with the highest usage, and the same can be said of Snapchat’s popularity in Saudi Arabia, with 50% of the population holding active user accounts.

Naturally, these figures do not factor in fake accounts or users that may have more than one social media account, though they show an interesting indication of each app’s global popularity.

Country with highest users counts for Apps (as a percentage of population)

App Country with highest user count # of users, in millions Population % of population
TikTok Netherlands 3.8 17,178,419 22%
US 65.9 333,230,770 19%
Norway 1 5,469,887 18.20%
Whatsapp Spain 33 46,775,584 70%
Italy 35 60,359,657 58.00%
Germany 48 84,091,604 57%
Facebook Philippines 83 111,249,116 74%
Thailand 51 70,000,662 72%
Mexico 93 130,486,512 71%
Instagram Turkey 44 85,379,961 51%
Brazil 95 214,289,417 44%
US 140 333,230,770 42%
Snapchat Saudi Arabia 19.6 35,433,662 55%
France 24.5 65,439,407 37%
United States 108 333,230,770 32%


TikTok triumphs once again as the world’s highest-grossing app, with reported revenue of 540 million USD last year. Despite lockdown restrictions limiting face-to-face contact, online dating platform Tinder lands in second place with 513 million USD, and streaming video giant YouTube rounds off the top three, snatching up 478 million USD.

Highest grossing app of 2020 (Global)

App Revenue, millions USD
TikTok 540
Tinder 513
YouTube 478
Disney 314
Tencent Video 300
Piccoma 289
Line Manga 249
iQIYI 240
Netflix 209


Commenting on the findings, a spokesperson for Bacancy Technology said: “Lockdown restrictions and the ‘stay at home’ mantra of 2020 caused many of us to turn to the internet and various apps for entertainment and to indulge in some level of human interaction. TikTok’s seemingly endless library of entertainment has clearly captured the attention of millions of people, while the staple social media apps continue to be an integral part of our daily lives.”

This research was conducted by app development company Bacancy Technology, an exclusive hub of top software developers, UI/UX designers, QA experts and more, offering development services aimed at the creation of high-end, enviable applications.