
By: Rahul Gulati- founder and a web strategist at DevignTech

If you own a non-tech business and want to expand it, then you have got plenty of options. In a small business, there are drawbacks like limited investment and less brand awareness. However, fixing a few organizational issues can remarkably boost the business. All you need for this is to have proper knowledge about the market scenario. At the same time, being creative with your approach is also essential.

You don’t need genius and path-breaking ideas for increasing productivity; small changes and strategies are enough to bring some prominent results. But this process is time-taking, and you need to be consistent with your attempts to improve sales. 

The most essential task is proper strategizing and research. Apart from all these, you can introduce some minor changes, which can be tremendously fruitful for the expansion of your business. Here is a list of six productivity hacks for you to flourish your non-tech business:

  1. 1. Brainstorming and Strategizing:

It is not always possible for the business owner to find out the strategies and work on them, all by themselves. Thus, they need to have a team of experienced and like-minded people. They can educate each other about the market scenario and also make strategies to market their old products. 

You can also improve the quality of the old ones and relaunch them with new branding. For improvement of the products, you can have a research team. The management should be in close contact with the research team, and there must be continuous briefing. This can help the company to set its upcoming strategies.

Company meetings and briefings should be weekly or fortnightly. However, you need to make sure that the meeting is held regularly. The sessions should set the workflow for the upcoming days. This decreases the wastage of time, and the teams will get an idea about what their works should be. This will increase the coordination among the different departments and teams working under the same department.

You can also give a bit of liberty to your employees and let them propose their tasks during the meet-ups. If that suits the streamline you have considered for the month, you can permit them to work on it. You can also instruct them to progress on one non-urgent project once every week while primarily focusing on the priorities.

  1. Saving Time:

Whatever plans you are making or planning to execute, you need to consider the ways to save time. As the owner, you need to be very particular about the projects you are taking up. You can make proper plans and schedule about that. If you are launching a new product, studying the demand for the product in the present market is very important.

This will help you to differentiate between urgent projects and long-term projects. While you and your team will entirely focus on the immediate task, you need to take small steps to work on the long-term project. Scheduling is also necessary. If you find it challenging, you can hire an assistant to track the projects and prepare your schedule accordingly.

  1. Decreasing Wastage:

Wastage is a big issue that hinders the productivity of a company. It may take some time to identify the wastages. This wastage can be in terms of raw materials or in terms of labor and time. If possible, you can do a waste audit to find out the wastage and take steps to decrease it. For example, when you manufacture a product instead of multiple batch manufacturing, you can take out two or three batches and check the customer response. 

If the product does not have any manufacturing defect and does well in the market, the company may go for mass production. While doing so, the company must consider the market condition. For example, if your company sells gumboots, you may find the demand decreasing after the rainy season. You may reduce the production after the monsoon passes.

This process of monitoring the waste is lengthy, and you should take time before reaching any conclusion. You can point out the sectors where there is wastage of money, labor, and raw materials. At this point, automation can also decrease wastage. You can consider automating things and also outsource some irregular activities. Outsourcing can reduce the cost of having an in-house team. This will allow you to invest the money in some other sector.

  1. Automation and Personnel:

Automation is a way you can decrease wastage. You can invest in technology that will allow you to automate the process of manufacturing to some extent. Technological aid can be an excellent way to boost productivity. Automation ensures you have an apt idea about how much raw material and labor you will need to manufacture a product unit. 

Thus, helping you to save time and prevent monetary loss.

You must also consider the team that you are having. To monitor the automation, you need to hire experienced and hardworking employees. For small businesses, the customer meets the sellers, and their impression of the company depends on the sellers’ approach. Therefore, you must appoint a humble, well-spoken, and adaptable person who can handle the customers even during rush hours. Everyone, whether the manager or the salesperson, should have a polite and gentle demeanor. Customers should find you approachable only then will you benefit from your business.

  1. Build Connection with the customers:

The small business gets the chance to deal with the customers directly, and it is a boon. They can create a close connection with the customers. A small business can pay attention to the customers as individuals. People tend to feel more comfortable with their purchases when they know that they matter to you. This is the reason why many people select smaller businesses over reputed big companies. 

Therefore, paying attention to the customer and their choice is very significant. You can also build connections with the customer by using social media. If your product needs after service, you can check on your customers and remind them to service the products. 

You can also ask them for feedback and reviews to improve your service and product quality. This can help you in finding the areas you need to improve and at the same time, you can build up a good relationship with the customers.

  1. Marketing ideas

Last But not least, outlining marketing ideas and executing them also help you to increase sales and reach more customers within a relatively short time. But emailing random people doesn’t work and may not bring you quality traffic. For that, you can take the help of good blog articles. You can have your newsletter or blogs.

The blogs must be well-written and plagiarism-free. You can ask the readers for their emails for sending updates from your page. Good SEO blogs can increase the SEO ranking of your site, and as the number of visitors increases, you get quality traffic for the campaigning of your products.

These are only a few business hacks that you can use to increase the productivity of your business. However, it is always best to use your ideas and experience while making business strategies. You can also take the help of professionals who will provide you with suggestions to improve the status of your business.

Author Bio:

Rahul Gulati is a founder and a web strategist at DevignTech. He helps small businesses make professional websites and apps that follow a minimalist design approach. To tune up your small business website, contact him on [email protected] or reach out on Linkedin