
Long hours, unsustainable pressure, and unclear tasks can leave the door open for unnecessary stress and fatigue. Feeling drained and emotionally exhausted at workcan be quite common, but should not be the norm. Instead, burnout in the workplace is a major concern, not to be taken lightly.In this respect, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently recognised ‘burnout syndrome’ as an official medical condition, defining it as chronic workplace stress that has not been adequately managed. 

With this in mind, figures in the UK are not very encouraging. Over three-quarters (79%) of British employeessay to have experienced work burnout, and 35% reported high levels of stress and unease. From hefty workloads to tight deadlines and mental-health hurdles, the reasons for which workers feel fatigued are plenty. 

Due to the nature of certain jobs, being able towork under pressure is an inescapable prerequisite. But is there a way for businessowners and managers to nip stress-inducing problems in the bud? Through the implementation of professional training, it is possible to limit burnout and preserve the well-being of staff. 

Here, we explore how professional training can help take care of people’s mental health and assist team development.

Time management

A prominent cause of stress for employees is therealisation that they are short on timefor a task. With constant tight deadlines in place, it may become a frequent issue – and a very draining one, for that matter. Hence, training your team on time management is a crucial tool that can aid both staff well-being and productivity.

There are several techniques, organisational tools, and tips you can offer your people. You could organise sessions on how to identify goals and stick to the target, or on how to prioritise urgent duties. Moreover, keeping track of how long it takes employees to conclude a task, and jotting down a handy to-do list, can truly spur their efficiency. 

Ultimately, professional training gives employees the chance to learn how to manage their work hours. Completing job duties comfortably and on timewill boost their confidence and self-value.

Focus on emotions and supporting groups

If a team member cares about their role and wants to perform well for your business, there is a chance they will become emotionally invested. A bad day at the office – which can happen to anyone from time to time –can have a negative impact on their serenity and mental well-being. 

This is why it is important to provide training and advice on how to understand and question their own feelings. Teaching staff to have self-compassion when things do not go to plan, or to reflect on their emotions, is a great method for tackling stress and burnout. 

As an employer, you may also want to establish support groups in the workplace.This can become a safe space in which colleagues can interact and share small concerns, and receive help from others who are in a similar situation. Not only will it work wonders on the overall happiness of your staff, but it will also solidify a sense of belonging, unity, and self-confidence.

Recognition of employees as humans

As a company owner or manager, it is vital to spend time bettering your own knowledge and skills too. In fact, professional training can help you learn how to efficiently handle your team and prevent negative sentiments. 

One of the most pressing things to remember is to always recognise your employees as humans. This may sound obvious and bizarre, but it is something that is worth keeping in mind. If you notice that one or more members of staff are struggling with burnout, remember not to jump to hurried conclusions. A stressed employee does not equate to incapability, and they are certainly not failing either. They are only human, after all.

Increasing awareness and providinga worker in difficulty with a helping hand can alleviate their worries. Moreover, it shows that you care about them as an individual too. This is particularly vitalconsidering thatfeeling underappreciated isone of the most prevalent causes of burnout.

Self-care and relaxation

Another factor that should be remarked on a regular basis is the importance of practising self-care and enjoying some ‘me time’. You need it, and so do your workers. Professional training can be provided to teach your staff how to switch off and unwind after work. It may seem straightforward, but advising people on how to unplug their work mindset can be extremely beneficial.

As well as promoting exercise and hobbies, there are other steps you can take to educate your staff on why relaxation is essential. One easy and effective way is to simplyinstall a positive culture around annual leave and holidays. Some people may feel guilty about taking time off, which in the long term will only worsen their stress levels. Instead, promoting breaks is an excellent wayto nourish your team’s overall well-being.

Clear tasks

One final aspect to take into consideration is ensuring that everyone recognises the relevance of clarity. Modern jobs come with a wide range of duties, and most employees are expected to be as versatile as possible. However, the reality is that they simply cannot know everything.

Hence, professional training can help both yourself and your staff learn how to brief tasks in a transparent, concise manner. Being left with a dutythat is blurry and unclear can ignite stress and burnout. Instead, explaining tasks in a clear way will leave staff feeling more confident, even though the task may not correspond to their area of expertise.

To conclude, professional training is a splendid tool to combat the impacts of burnout in the workplace. From time management advice to attention towards emotions and support, you can actively safeguard the well-being of your people and facilitate the smooth running of your business.





