Your staff are your company’s most important asset, so it’s important you make them feel valued if you want to achieve great results. Here, Craig Hall, Operations Director at Glass Digital, outlines why adopting a company culture that puts your employees first can lead you to success.
Whether you create them intentionally or they develop organically, you no doubt have a shared set of values for your business. This is your company culture, and it should shape every decision you make, from day-to-day interactions to your long-term goals and ambitions.
Making your company culture clear means your employees know exactly what to expect from you from the off, and it can make or break your productivity and sense of morale. Employees are the backbone of your business, and companies that fear giving their workforce a voice can suffer from a lack of communication, disengagement, and unproductivity. 80% of UK workers say that feeling appreciated at work is important for their happiness, but only 45% of employees actually feel valued, according to a survey conducted by Peldon Rose .
The solution? Putting your employees first.
Below, I’ll be outlining why an employee-centric company culture is imperative for effective management, and how you can implement it into your workplace, even while working remotely.
Better work-life balance
We know a healthy work-life balance is important. It’s vital for staff to be able to work around their personal lives and switch off at the end of the day. And, if there’s one thing the pandemic has shown managers, it’s just how flexible we can all be.
Many of us have been working from home over the past year. While some have missed the buzz of the office, many workers have appreciated being able to spend the extra time with their family. In fact, 7.5 million workers in the UK are hoping to continue working from home once restrictions have lifted, according to research from Deloitte. So, it’s important to cater to everyone’s needs and continue to offer this flexibility as we start to return.
Flexible start times and the opportunity to work remotely means employees can fit their working day around their personal lives. For this reason, many businesses, including Glass Digital, have decided to adopt a remote working policy permanently, with the option to work from home, the office, or anywhere in the world.
Allowing staff to work from wherever is most comfortable for them can help to improve engagement, happiness, and productivity. In fact, 58% of workers said they felt more productive while working from home, according to a survey from TalkTalk. 23% said they could work more efficiently because they didn’t have to commute.
Plus, these extra perks can make your company much more attractive to potential new hires. You can also broaden your search pool to anywhere in the country, meaning you can attract a larger number of highly skilled applicants.
Improved productivity
When everyone’s voice is valued equally, and if you adopt a culture of transparency, it’s much easier to develop trust and a sense of team spirit. Employees who feel like an important part of the business will be more invested in your success, which can help boost productivity as they work to achieve the company’s goals. Plus, giving employees the opportunity to highlight any areas that are holding them back means you can streamline your processes and boost productivity even more.
There are numerous ways you can ask employees for their opinions, but regular surveys are often the most effective. Sending these out weekly or monthly means employees can voice their opinions as and when they think of them, without having to wait for a quarterly or annual appraisal. Keeping surveys anonymous means you’re going to get much more honest feedback, too.
The more opportunities you can give staff to voice their opinions, the better. So, you can also consider setting up regular one-on-one meetings between employees and their line manager, either face-to-face or via video call. This can give them an opportunity to bring up problems they feel are impacting their day-to-day tasks but seem too minor to mention in a company-wide survey.
Better results
When you put your employees first, you’re much more likely to get to know each and every one of them personally. This means you can work out where their strengths are and make use of them to boost performance and produce higher quality work. In turn, this can improve customer satisfaction, lead to great reviews and recommendations, and help you grow your business even further.
It’s also important to encourage employees to develop their strengths, and work on any areas they feel need improving. Regular training and development sessions can help boost the quality of your work as well as engagement levels. When staff know you’re committed to their personal development as well as results, they’re much more likely to work hard.
Don’t forget to recognise great work when you see it, too. If you’re working remotely, it can be a little more difficult to know what’s going on in the wider company. Encouraging everyone to praise hard work through an email bulletin or message can go a long way towards helping people feel valued and can encourage everyone to work harder. Offering extra perks, such as discounts and voucher codes, to reward great work can also help employees feel valued.
Higher employee retention rates
Adopting an employee-centric company culture can also help boost your staff retention rates. Employees who feel challenged, valued, and have a clear path to promotion are more likely to stay in their current role. If they’re engaged with their work and the business, they’re much less likely to look for a job elsewhere. So, valuing your employees, making use of their strengths, and offering extra opportunities as they arise (rather than relying on formal promotions) can help boost company loyalty. Staff will be much more invested in the success of your business, and you’re more likely to keep your highly skilled workers.
A positive company culture is vital for success. By focusing on the needs of your employees, you can help boost work-life balance, productivity, and employee retention, as well as achieve better results, all of which can help your business reach its goals.