
New report outlines fresh approach to driving better business performance

16th August 2021: Today orgvue, the leading organisational design and planning software platform, launches Transformation with purpose: data-led reorganisation and the “what if” mindset.

Developed in collaboration with WIRED Consulting, and with contributions from eminent academics in the field of Management, the research report charts entrenched challenges to organisational change and proposes a new approach to unlocking better business performance.

Key barriers explored include a lack of tools or practical models to support successful reorganisation, and insufficient data to enable decisive, real-time decision making. orgvue recently found that 79 per cent of UK leaders have based decisions on instinct instead of data, and a further 71 per cent have regretted making a business decision too slowly.

Rupert Morrison, CEO, orgvue comments: “Right now, the biggest barrier to constructive organisational planning is decision paralysis. Leaders know that their decisions can have far-reaching ramifications. However, their organisations are too large and too complex for them to see what these could be – and they don’t have the data, analytical capabilities or tools to guide them. As a result, leaders are kicking decisions on the health of their organisation down the road and missing opportunities to improve business performance.”

To combat these issues, the report prescribes a fresh, more sustainable approach to change. This delivers the following six pieces of advice to business leaders:

Have a fluid mindset – Accept and embrace change. Reinvent in the knowledge that further adjustments will be needed.

Take a dynamic approach – Break out of highly disruptive, episodic planning cycles. Instead, embrace new tools that enable ongoing, iterative change.

Improve and utilise data – Connect data from across the organisation to deliver a holistic view of the business. Use this as the foundation for decision making.

Reframe the role of HR –  Engage HR in organisational planning and analysis to help direct resource and budget allocation.

Be ready for further disruption – Adopt a “what if” mindset. Use data to model potential scenarios and interrogate future decisions.

Consider new tools – Adopt the tools needed to enable data analysis and data-based decision making.

The research comes at a pertinent time for business leaders, who are facing increasing complexities and pressures driven by ongoing technological, geopolitical, social and economic change. The COVID crisis has only added to and compounded these issues.

The report argues that natigativing this ever-evolving landscape will demand extreme agility. Leaders will need to constantly evaluate and re-think business objectives, and re-shape their organisation’s capabilities and resources in line with these.

Morrison concludes: “There is no end to business disruption. The COVID-19 pandemic may recede, but it will be replaced with another challenge. To survive and thrive, leaders will need to remain future-focused. They’ll need to stop thinking in terms of “what was” and “what now” and start thinking “what if”. Adopting a more agile approach to organisational design – and the tools to support this – will be key to making this shift.”