Zoom has announced that it is preparing for a hybrid approach in its return to the workplace, strategically mixing remote and in-office work. This will be enabled by the Zoom platform, with features like Zoom Rooms Smart Gallery designed to create an inclusive experience for both in-person and remote workers.
Zoom has consistently engaged with employees on return-to-office preparations, regularly updating staff during bi-weekly all-hands meetings, to create a safe space for them to express any concerns regarding potential plans. Flexibility remains a top priority, with an internal poll of employees finding that only 1% of the workforce wants to return to the office full-time. Over half would like a hybrid approach, a quarter want to work from home permanently, and the rest mostly work remotely on a full-time basis already.
Given the success of working remotely, Zoom is not planning on rushing office reopenings, and does not plan to open any given office until it is possible to do so without personal protective equipment and social distancing. The company reopened its office in Sydney, Australia, this summer, but temporarily closed it soon after as COVID-19 threatened the area, with plans to reopen again when it is safe.
“There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to returning to the office, and we’re listening to our employees to understand their concerns and help guide our plans,” commented Kelly Steckelberg, Chief Financial Officer at Zoom. “Any decision we make at Zoom ladders into one goal: maintaining a mutual sense of trust between leadership and employees, as higher trust leads to a happier, more productive workforce. We’re carefully listening and learning, but ultimately, our office reopenings will be one component of a flexible, hybrid approach.”
To learn more about how Zoom is approaching its next phase of work, visit the Zoom blog.