
Emamaco will be donating $1 from each Maternity order placed between August 2 and August 8 2021 to the Australian Breastfeeding Association.

To help raise awareness of the objectives of World Breastfeeding Week 2021 the brand is running a promotion for 50% off their entire maternity range with use of the code ‘WBW2021’.

This year’s World Breastfeeding Week theme is ‘Protect breastfeeding: a shared responsibility is about how breastfeeding contributes to the survival, health and wellbeing of all’.

The theme acknowledges that although support at the individual level is very important, breastfeeding must be considered a public health issue that requires investment at all levels.

The concept of ‘building back better’ after the COVID-19 pandemic will provide an opportunity to create a warm chain of support for breastfeeding that includes health systems, workplaces and communities at all levels of society.

For Emamaco’s founder Emma Sango, breastfeeding is a topic close to her heart and is personally aware of the network of support needed around breastfeeding, especially for first time mothers.

“Breastfeeding was the hardest, most demanding and challenging thing I’ve ever had to do. It was help from other mothers who told me it would get easier as time goes on, and with the support of my husband, friends and family I was able to remind myself that was true,”Emma said.

For the Australian Breastfeeding Association, World Breastfeeding Week is a valuable opportunity to highlight how essential a village of support – especially fathers, partners and other carers – is to achieve breastfeeding success.

It is also a welcome opportunity to raise awareness among decision-makers, workplaces and the wider community that it is the responsibility of all to help increase breastfeeding rates and ensure more mothers have breastfeeding success.