Managers are crucial to the success of every business organization. In fact, managers are at the highest level of the organizational structure – representing the key people who have direct access to the goals and policies of the business and the direct responsibility for their implementation. Managers are often the most loyal and talented employees within an organization, with expertise and great leadership skills that benefit the business. Managers work closely with a large number of people, and they must implement and evaluate a wide variety of management practices and systems.
Management functions, also known as management processes or management procedures, are the most organized and systematic ways by which managers make sure the organization reaches its objectives. The main functions include planning, organizing, leading, exercising control, controlling, educating, and communicating the activities of all people involved in the organization. Every employee in an organization has a management process as it is influenced by culture, beliefs, social arrangements, and motivation. The diagram of these functions may help you see how the functions interrelate.
All managers have different ways of organizing their work, however, the key is for them to organize the process of management in such a way as to meet the most basic needs and the long-term goals of the organization. Organizing the process involves defining the resources available, formulating a plan, recruiting, retaining, and promoting the best people, and making sure that the right people are hired. Managers should not just be concerned with the short-term goal of increasing profits. They should also make sure that the resources are in place so that the long-term benefits of success are realized. Here are some of the main functions that are often involved in organizing the process of management:
Learning about the different aspects of the management process is the first step towards effectively managing your business. You can learn more about the basic elements by looking through the diagram of functions. By reviewing this diagram, you will be able to see what the specific responsibilities are of each employee or manager. If there are several people involved in a particular activity, then the diagram might show how different managers will be responsible for supervising the activities.
A manager’s performance is often affected by various factors, including objectives, priorities, and resources. Some of these factors are outside his or her direct control. This means that they have a lot of influence on the way the management process works, but they cannot direct or directly change the process. For example, the way a person chooses to lead a team has a great impact on the quality of the final output. If the leader doesn’t take an active role in directing the team, then the team itself will likely fail to meet its objectives. Asking employees to follow a predetermined path may seem like an easy task, but it is actually quite hard to organize these tasks and determine who is doing that task.
Another factor that affects the management process is managers’ management styles. The two most common management styles, traditional management styles and flexible management styles, can actually cause quite a bit of problem when trying to effectively coordinate all of the various activities that are part of the management process. Traditional management styles often work best with small teams, where everyone knows what to do and when to do it. Flexible management styles, by contrast, often work best with larger teams, where managers must use their management skills in order to coordinate the activities of many different people.
When looking at the diagram, you will also see that there are four major functions: controlling, organizing, directing, and coordinating. These are all major functions, and each one has its own special and unique place in the overall management process. Controlling involves directing what gets done, directing who gets involved in organizing and coordinating the activities of everyone involved. Organizing involves putting everything together in a workable fashion, directing who gets involved and organizing the outcomes so that they meet up with your objectives. Directing involves making decisions about actions and directing how they should be carried out. Coordinating entails all of these activities taking place in a smoothly controlled manner.
The diagram is just a basic outline of the key elements of the management process. If you would like more detailed information about each element of the diagram, you may email me and we can draw out a more in-depth diagram for you. In this way, you can get a better picture of what each element represents. This will help you to understand and direct the management process in the manner that you want. Many managers believe strongly that leadership involves getting people to work together in a unified manner. The more you know about the basic elements of leadership, the more likely you will be able to use that knowledge to lead your employees towards success.